
The Cult of Melas Uldonia


In the land of the elves, as with all communities, there has always been a need for religion. The elfish religions are very different to those worshipped by other races, and are strange by human standards. They are most closely associated cult of nature with whom they share a love of nature and worship style, yet the free-spirited nature of elves pulls them to alignments of good and chaotic good. This means their religious doctrine has much in common with the Ascheinar's Cult.

There are many elfish cults in Arthea, Melas Uldonia is the largest of them, and, although it exists for the benefit of elves, it will not allow the needless harming of other life forms; indeed, it teaches that all life should be aided where possible and necessary. The cult had a brief liaison with the forming Ascheinar's Cult from 1275, due largely to Ascheinar's ability to convince the hierarchs of Melas Uldonia that there were benefits for both his cult fellowship and for the Elfish cult too. They eventually remained independent when the others formed a single church.

Teaching and Theology

The Spirit of Harmony

The elves, by their very nature are a free folk, not needing the ties to close communities, such as humans or dwarves need, yet their own societies have developed with a stronger sense of friendship and closeness than other races. It is this spirit which the cult of Melas Uldonia (along with the many other elfish cults) has worked to continue. They are always striving to maintain in the elfish homelands, which they shroud in mystery, away from the eyes of other races.

The cult of Melas Uldonia teaches that the way to peaceful existence can be gained through honesty and charity. The laying down of laws is restrictive and unnecessary, where the good of the whole can be assured through mutual trust and friendship. The sense of peace in their communities is quite important to the elves, they live very long lives, and this can lead to long feuds if the spirit of harmony isn't present.

The Rights of the Elf

The welfare of all life is a concern of the elf of Melas Uldonia, each is elf is personally responsible for anything they do that prevents the natural growth of a free individual. Only when there is conflict between the needs of two different individuals can any choice be made - and then one must act for the greater good. One must never inhibit the path of another individual; each must be allowed the chance to find their own destiny. All individuals must be extended this, as a personal right, and the elf should seek to defend those for whom this right is being denied.

Sometimes individuals fail to take the choices that allow them to fulfil their destiny. They choose to deny their self worth, and take a different path. Each elf is required to help, to support those who struggle with such choices, and to guide those who seek help in finding their path.


To kill for pleasure is a mark against the elves spirit, yet there are times when the death of a creature is necessary, for the good of the elves or of all lives. Killing for food is, of course, not only acceptable, it is required as part of the natural order - the food chain is available for all to use, provided the individual takes no more than is needed.

Elves are required to aid the defence of their fellows; the free people of the world face threats from all places - there are many fell-beasts and evil monsters that would take away the freedom and rights of the individual. They would destroy the community of friendship that has taken many long years to build, and would destroy the livelihoods and lands where such people dwell. The peoples who seek to do this are not free - they are slaves to their own hatred and they have no liberty of their own. They should not be considered as individuals. There are many races that spawn this belief and approach, including orcs, goblins, and many other goblinoid races. These races are normally considered enemy, yet they should only be treated as such when their actions expose their hatred for other free peoples. Only then can the individual act to maintain freedom.

Elfish Heaven

All elves pass on into heaven; it is the right of the highest race of the world. Few gain the right to live there in splendour; some must become the servants, others the slaves. Those who spend their life upholding the elfish way will be granted the riches of heaven. Fortunately the Gods are wise, and can see that in the freeness of the elf heart, there will often be times when the individual cannot follow the true way through their actions. Yet each elf can follow this way in their heart, and it is here that the elf is judged.

Each has a long journey through life before such judgement is made, and elves (the only race among all those of the free) have the right to decide to depart for heaven at a time of their own choice. Elves can sail across the sea to reach their heaven, by routes that cannot be navigated by the mortal folk.

Cult Organisation


Membership of the cult is open to elves of all types, and all faerie folk (pixies, fairies, sprites, etc). All these folk can gain the full benefits of membership, and can become clerics, if they have the dedication. Unfortunately the very nature of the elves means they can have little dedication for a single subject. The cult knows that the long lifespan of the elves gives rise to a need for interests alongside their religious calling. There are very few ordinary clerics in the elf races, as most have additional classes. Of course, membership is not compulsory among elves, and there are other elfish religions, but none as large or as well known as this cult.

Clerical Bonuses

Because of the nature of the elfish race, clerics of the cult of Melas Uldonia has an unusual effect over some undead. The clerics gain a bonus of +1 (or 5%) when attempting to turn all INCORPOREAL undead, such as ghosts and spectres, and these undead are at a penalty of -1 (or 5%) to any saves made against spells or innate abilities (but not feats) used against them by these clerics.

The clerics of the cult must be of chaotic good or neutral good alignment, but membership is open to elves of any alignment or class, and to anyone else of good, or neutral alignment. It is very unusual, though, for non-elves to join the cult, as most human and dwarves have seldom even heard of Melas Uldonia, and very few of the cult's clerics leave their homelands.

Worship Places

The cult is surprisingly well organised, considering its alignment. There are no church buildings used by the cult; as it is an elfish cult, all the high sacred areas are within the elf lands, and are usually sited under the branches of the cult's symbol, an oak tree. The clerics can also establish lesser worship areas anywhere there are suitable trees. These places of worship are very similar to druidic groves, and are as holy to the elves as the interiors of church buildings are to the other free races. When the elves come together for a religious ceremony, which may only happen every six months, or possibly once each year, the woodlands for many miles around the tree become filled with light and the joyful singing of elves. These places are so filled with holy power and life that undead cannot come to within twenty feet of the oak unless it is first burned to the ground.

Ties with Other Cults

The cult also has close ties with its closest relation in human and dwarfish circles. Ascheinar's Cult was formed from a collection independent chaotic good religious, and during that formative period, Melas Uldonia contributed to the teachings of the new group. They chose not to become permanent members of the new cult when they became a single entity. They decided to remain independent to better serve their race, and not for theological reasons. There is clear evidence that some of the gods of Ascheinar's Cult are the same as those for Melas Uldonia. Indeed, one of the cults that took a central role in Ascheinar's new organisation was partially founded on elfish scripture.

Holy Symbols

The elves have only one holy symbol, that of their most sacred tree, the oak. They look upon the tree as a foundation to their religion, its lifespan is long and it provides the centre of their worship areas. For the symbol to be usable in spell casting or turning undead, it must be cast from silver or carved from the fallen branch of an oak tree and blessed by a cleric of appropriate level.

Cleric Weapon Choice

The full list of weapons is as follows:

Any bow other than crossbow; Longsword; Short Sword; Dagger; Staff; Dart; Sling; Javelin; Spear; Whip.

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ArtheaWiki: Melas Uldonia (last edited 2013-09-15 21:35:16 by DanielStevenson)