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People of the Sixhomes Homestead

Elders and Heads

The homestead doesn't really have elected leaders, as the farmsteads themselves are organised by the senior members of their families, and because they rely on co-operation for the survival of the community, there is no real need for rulers - the community defers to its elders as representatives when dealing with its neighbours and to organise co-operative activities such as communal defences.

Senior Religious People

There is no full-time church in the community, but worshippers are led by volunteer individuals.

Defence Volunteers

Some members of the community are volunteered for the defence by the leaders of their homesteads, and they tend to be made up of the younger members of the families from the farmsteads. While the leaders of this group continue in these rolls year-round, many of the others are present for shorter stints, and they contribute to the farming duties between their times manning the defences.

Traders and Outsiders

Even though money is only present in the community in small amounts, there is plenty of trade with other local homesteads, the caravans to the south, and even with some of the non-human tribes that live in the hills and plains away to the southwest.
