
Boris von Obler

Boris von Obler is a Jorlinian and the elected Mayor of Linnom, a town in northern Cerlain. He was elected to this position by the Artisans and Nobles of the town in autumn 1411 having lived there for twenty years.

His role is to stand up for the artisans, traders and the lesser nobility of the town with the Viscount of Mellinara. He also works with the traders to improve the town itself.

Boris has a good working relationship with the head of The Kings Guard in the town, Sergeant Mauro Prida, despite their differences. Obler is an easy going, almost cheerful individual which often grates with Prida's sense of obligation, duty and need for order.


ArtheaWiki: Boris von Obler (last edited 2013-10-23 14:08:06 by Neil)