
Brazingamen has told many versions of his past and origins, most of which are contradictory, the truth as best as anyone can ascertain is as follows. Brazingamens' father worked as a tutor to the children of some members of the nobility, Brazingamen learnt his skills of literacy and rhetoric from his father and became apprenticed as a clerk to a merchant house dealing in cloth and garments.

It soon became apparent that his greatest talents lay in negotiation and disputation in the intricacies of business contracts and their terms between the merchants their customers and suppliers. It seemed a promising career but Brazingamen proved something of a maverick. His willingness to disregard those instructions he did not agree with and the occurence of "odd" happenings when he was around were soon enough to see him cast out to fend for himself.

Never short of an idea to gather in a few coins Brazingamen resolved to be his own master. Of course the company of a few friends he had made along the way was both necessary and desirable; whilst out for his own ends his close companions will all attest to his personal loyalty and trustworthiness to them.

ArtheaWiki: Brazingamen (last edited 2008-12-28 21:52:45 by hatty)