Markus is the fourth son of well to do merchant in the city of Gollotta in the mountains. He has a pleasant demeanor and took an interest in the travels of Ascheinar. He was facinated by the travels of this great man of diplomacy. Markus has caused a minor ruckus within the Gollotta followers of Ascheinar's Cult by proclaiming that Ascheinar should be proclaimed a Saint so as to give focus to the man who did so much to give normal folk an alternative to the rule bound faiths such as Danethrae and Anbartae.
Markus has spent some time in researching the choice of weapons available to him as a neophyte cleric and has found that an ancient cult from the Antoma area used spear and javalins and that during his sojourn with the elves Ascheinar himself did learn to use a bow, something that Markus would like to do if he can befriend an Elf to teach him.
The afore mentioned ruckus and Markus's unorthodox choice of weapons has meant that certain doors are no longer open to his progression within the faith. The time has come for Markus to travekl the open road in the footsteps of his hero Ascheinar, that road starts with a journey to Antoma.