


Mercunum is the capital city of the Kingdom of Antaurus, and in past times was the hub of the Empire. Since the formation of Antaurus, Mercunum has been the home of the House of Antaurus, and this reflected in the impressive architecture and solid foundation upon which the city is built.

Antaurus was one of the six kingdoms which formed the Empire, and when Tholain invaded her neighbours, Mercunum was avoided a siege by swift diplomacy by the Antauran King Delmus. At this time the city was far smaller than it is today, its glory days were still ahead of it.

The city is home to between 100,000 and 150,000 people, but the importance of the place, even in the post-Empire years, is still huge, and this population is dynamic. It is also swelled by the large suburban farmlands rolling for miles north and west of the city. The most impressive view of the city is probably when approached upriver from Barrash Port. The huge white walls of the city are an imposing view and shine in the sunlight from the south.

Inside, the city is somewhat cramped. Industrial sprawl that has been common in many other large cities has eluded Mercunum, but this has been made up for by the huge commercial centre. Everyone, it seems, wants to do business close to the seat of the Emperor.

City Landmarks

The most imposing buildings in the city are the Imperial Palace and Senate Imperial Chamber. These two buildings, sit across Antaurus Square, between them is a tree-lined walkway with a fountain in the middle. To the north is the palace, providing a broad, flat expanse of ornate stonework in the white marble-like stone used for most of the civic structures in the city. This imposing façade looks southwards to the circular Senate building. This structure is much newer, but clearly built to reflect the imperial stile established by the palace. The senate did not always sit here. Originally it sat in Nareth, the capital of Tholain, where a similar building stands. During the height of the Empire, the Senate would most often meet here, close to the Emperor.

To the south of the Senate building is the commercial sector, for many years this district was the backbone of the Empire. It provided business expertise and commercial growth, financial support and was the administrative heart of the Imperial machine. This district is flanked on both sides by large markets and commercial operations where food was traded to the inhabitants of the city.

At the northern edge of the city is the old arena building. This is a large circular bowl, only recently restored as the Arena Games fell from favour under the previous monarch. King James has allowed the return of this bloody sport, and it has seen a boom in support since 1409 when it became officially legal once more. Games here are free to attend for the peasantry of Antaurus, only those with wealth pay to sit among those of status and enjoy the complementary feasts and wines during the games.

To the side of the Palace is the Imperial Library headquarters. This is another building that has tried to copy the style of the palace. It succeeds well in this, the large building fits in with the style of Antaurus Square. This building also holds offices of the Imperial Archaeological Society (and the Imperial Academy of Magic is also tagged onto the rear of this building).

Just off the main square are several buildings that are similar in style, but which have other civic functions. The churches lead off to the east, with Danethrae and Anbartae staring at each other across the street, both being close to the palace. To the west, leading away from the square are the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Law, the (former) Imperial Military Headquarters (now the southern HQ for the Arthean Army), The Office of Imperial Communications (somewhat similar to a post office, in times gone by they would deliver the messages of the Emperor), the Pale Flame and Offices of the Kings Guard (which was the Civic Courthouse until about 1380).

As buildings extend further out from this centre, they become less imposing, but even the backstreets of the city are well constructed and imposing when compared to similar cities elsewhere in the Kingdoms of the south. There are some large city dwellings here, and the impression is that some would pay a lot of money to live in a home close to the centre of the Empire.

The city style is of decorative carvings, usually consisting of straight lines and geometric patterns. The style is aped by the city of Cellam, which is now the capital of Arthea, but the northern style incorporates more gothic tones, carven gargoyles and castle-like battlements. There is none of that influence in Mercunum.


If anything is available in the Empire, then it can be purchased in Mercunum, so the saying goes. This does not hide the fact that purchasing anything in this city is typically two to three times the price that would be paid anywhere else. Money seems to carry a different value inside the walls of Mercunum than anywhere else in the south.

Where to Stay

There is a narrow range of hotels, these begin at the 'Extortionately Expensive', and rise in value|

There are several, much cheaper, traders taverns, inns and stopovers outside the city walls. None of these are particularly cheap, but the best is probably White Hare Inn which is 1gp per night, or the The Walls of Mercunum, which is nestled under the outside of the city wall, which is also 1gp per night. These are popular with traders.

Other Services

The magic user guilds are surprisingly sparse around the city. The high cost has even kept them out of town. All the national guilds are represented in the suburbs, though, except for the Imperial Academy of Magic, the Pale Flame and the Association of Conjurers, Summoners and Necromancers.

This situation is worse for fighters guilds, who are less well funded than the magic user guilds. All the national guilds are present in the city, but they're all on the outskirts or in the suburbs - with the only exceptions being the church-sponsored guilds.


ArtheaWiki: Mercunum (last edited 2022-02-16 20:53:13 by Neil)