= Obsecum = This is a large city-port in the far west of [[Cerlain]]. In the past the city had been both a busy port and the centre of the fishing industry in west Cerlain, but the profits from port trade have all but drowned out the other industries. The city also sits upon the wallowing [[River Anarestus]], which has flown from far in the north, through [[Malberina]] and [[Francorum]]. As a deep-water port, it has become the primary port for eastern [[Antaurus]] and the south of [[Jorlinum]], and with the growth of shipping in the last fifty years, it has seen its wealth expand enormously too. Part of this growing fortune is being ploughed back into the facilities. During 1412, and planned to last for two more years, is a rebuilding programme for the dock front. A new set of moorings is being built alongside the old ones, and once that's complete (by the end of 1412, or - at the latest - by spring 1413) they'll move the dock front, then spend another year to 18 months redeveloping the old docks. To achieve this, they're shipping in plenty of stone from the mountains of east Jorlinum and north Antaurus. In addition to the redevelopment of the docklands, the city itself is being expanded. A new well-built suburb is being created south of the river, this is flattening an old slum, and hundreds of poor wooden houses. The first stage of this was the moving of the poor in these houses further out of the city, into a new development constructed along the roads towards Antoma and Penborum. Some of this relocation has proved to be unpopular, but even these new wooden constructions are significantly better than the houses that are being removed to make way for the new district. ---- CategoryPlaces