= Saclos = A relatively new city in the north of [[Cerlain]], Saclos nestles at the feet of the [[Jorlinum]] mountains that sit to the north. Unlike the other cities upon that stretch of upland, [[Aromon]] and [[Tesmius]], it is located on a lowland region, benefiting from a warmer climate and plenty of rain. The city is founded on a curious mix of farming and mining, fuelled by by on the trade route from Jorlinum to [[Tamish]]. It is a small but prosperous place, and the moist conditions have helped expand the farmlands and orchards around the city at the beginning of the 15th Century, with an influx of migrants to the south keen to set up their own farmstead, and helped by a bounty paid by the Prince of Cerlain directly from national taxation. The settlement has thrived, it has tripled in size since 1360, and the growth of trade and business has followed up with corruption, crime and, especially, smuggling. Historically its location close to the Jorlinum border has made it a route for untaxed goods as well as those flowing legally along the road. There has been something of a backlash against this by the Kings Guard, but this always seems to be an uphill battle. The border is broad and difficult to police here. The warmer climate also gives the place a welcoming appeal, somewhat in contrast to other northern cities, especially Tesmius. Her people are friendly and warm, and this easily rubs off on visitors, although the criminal fraternity gives the place an sharp edge of its own. It is well stocked in inns, there are now three large inns in the city, one has been here since its earliest settlement and has grown with the town into a broad and high edifice, and has been joined by two others of equal size, both on the outskirts of the city close to the main road. As it was a small mining community when the Empire was in its heyday, it was never considered a place needing in defence. There have been efforts to redress this over the last fifty years or so, and the construction of a wall has been ongoing. This defence stretches along the north and western sides of the centre of the city, but is unfinished to the east and south. The work has also stopped recently, as there seems little need to maintain such defences, and walls in other parts of the former Empire are slowly being removed. The city is run by the Viscount of Saclos, aided by four barons. Since the troubles caused by organised criminals, the city is now considered a primary taxation point for goods entering or leaving Imperial territory. ---- CategoryPlaces