## page was renamed from Sammarvei_Yanneg ## page was renamed from NPC Sammarvei Yanneg ## page was renamed from NPC Samarvei Yanneg = Sammarvei Yanneg = Sammarvei Yanneg, otherwise known as 'Yanneg the Mighty' by his own PR, is a capable wizard who seems to specialise in deceptive magic. He was born long before [[The Great Disaster]], and in his early years formed an association with the infamous [[Charles Derren]]. Somehow Yanneg seems to have survived the disaster's effects and his efforts to wake his friend, Derren, seem to have been successful although nobody has yet seen him other than a Dwarf cleric of the Church of [[Danethrae]]. He was reported to be in the [[Eversham]] area of north [[Ticetia]]. ---- CategoryNpc