

Tarn is a small city in the north of Tholain. It is a city whose economy is based on the livestock farming, particularly sheep who graze over the rolling moorland and hills to the west of the city. They also have a strong coppicing and charcoaling industry in the woodlands to the south. The lands to the east of the city are dotted with small farms and tenant farmers, which spreads the population over a wide area.

The other great achievement of the city is its cultural university. It has been a centre of arts and philosophy, spawning some of the best bards and poets of the former Empire. The city earned some renown more recently as one of the universities where Ascheinar studied before he carved his religious cult out of the fragmented cults that shared his outlook.


ArtheaWiki: Tarn (last edited 2013-09-15 20:13:42 by DanielStevenson)