## page was renamed from The_Kinsarreth_Zogil_Delve = The Kinsarreth Zogil Delve = The Kinsarreth Zogil Delve was a pre-disaster dwarf complex situated to the north of Kunanth. The delve was also known among dwarves as 'The Ornate Delve' due to its highly decorative architecture, and some still tell stories of its beauty. While [[The Kimid-Izila Delve]] was the largest and most powerful of the Delves, the Kinsarreth Zogil was the where the dwarf craftsmen excelled. The ruler of the Kinsarreth Zogil delve was rumoured to wear the Kinsarreth Crown. Its power was rumoured to be tied to the beauty of the delve. ---- CategoryPlaces CategoryDelves