
Truedale Patrol

The Truedale halfling community is near to Antoma in the County of Berrecha, northern Antoma, and has its own militia force called the Truedale Patrol. As a militia force, the guild theoretically reports to the Count Etemus of Berrecha, but in practice it is controlled by the Mayor of Truedale.

The Patrol is a small body of halfling fighters that protect the Truedale land, providing rudimentary policing and an informal postal service for the widely spread land. Apart from their own guard stations scattered across Truedale, there is also an office in the Village district of Antoma where notices can be posted for reservists who may be looking for gainful work.

Many of the young halfling men spend a tour of 6 months with the Patrol, and some stay around for longer. Those who have served with the Patrol remain on the list of reserves, and can be mobilised in times of emergency. While the patrol is not a true guild, it does provide the training services similar to those of other guilds, and charge fees as a guild for those reservists that use them as such, but most halflings who go on to be professional fighters normally join more cosmopolitan guilds among their human neighbours.

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ArtheaWiki: Truedale Patrol (last edited 2013-09-15 16:55:22 by DanielStevenson)