Tuvellenis and Hopegrove Apothecary Supplies

In the early 1410's, Apothecaries are becoming big business in Arthea. The growth in the industry means that many simple herbal remedies are available to the public, and prices have fallen. Part of the drive for this in the former Empire are businesses like Tuvellenis and Hopegrove. They have commercial scale herb-growing lands outside of the town, and mix up their preparations in-store.

James Hopegrove has been operating his family business here since the 1390's. He began to specialise in specialist foods before 1400, but moved into medical preparations too. In 1404, a partnership with the elfish herbalist Mayara Tuvellenis was formed and the business was expanded using new ideas and ethnic healing recipes.


ArtheaWiki: Tuvellenis and Hopegrove Apothecary Supplies (last edited 2013-09-14 18:38:53 by Roxoff)