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Adventure 15, Part 4: Into Slovania

The Road North

The party now returned to their northward trail. Arriving once again in Konas meant they received a warm welcome from the people; the defences following their recent Giant invasion had almost been completely rebuilt, and there were now plans for a wood and stone wall to be erected.

The party returned to Bavaria from here, arriving at Graddon a few days later. Heading out of here, they went north through Balcom, Gorna and finally Hacht. It was here that they learned of Derren's journey over the mountains into Bohemia. Some of the locals were smugglers, regularly trading with their counterparts in the plains the other side of the mountains all through the autumn, winter and spring, when there was enough dark hours to cover their passage over mountains.

Despite the lack of darkness, the smugglers has managed to get Derren and his companion over the pass, but the smugglers had not stayed long with them, they turned back at their earliest chance and remained out of site of Slovenian guards.

Intrigued, the party made requests to make the same journey. It would be easier now, late in the summer the nights drew in much sooner, and the journey would be easier. There was still a shortage of darkness, however, and the party were encouraged to head for one of the rest caves that were on the other side. The smugglers warned also about the presence of wolves on the other side, and that the caves were not always clear and safe to use; sometimes animals had moved in.