

Aromon is a city situated in north-western Cerlain, by the border with both Antaurus and Jorlinum. The city is on the main trade route of Jorlinum which leads through to Cerlain capital, Tesmius.

The city has a permanent population of some 25 to 30,000 people, although there is a temporary population of traders, miners, labourers and other workmen that pushes this out by another few thousand.

The city is geared up for traders using this route, with several large inns with secure storage. It also sits on open moorland, giving access to mines and quarrying in the Jorlinan mountains to the north, and to good hunting lands across the rolling downs that lie to the east and south of the city.

The freight passing through the city has made it quite a cosmopolitan place, but before the Empire was formed this was a frontier town. It had a huge banked dike built to the north and the west, and later the city was fortified with a heavy wall. Parts of the bank still remain, although with no maintenance the dike is filled in and the land is slowly healing and becoming level once again. As the war with the north grew in pace, the wall began to fall into disrepair. Parts of it collapsed, and the stone was frequently re-used by those rebuilding in the town. After the formation of Arthea, the wall was rebuilt in many places. By 1412 it is no longer a complete wall around the city, but the powers no longer believe it necessary for the city's defence.


ArtheaWiki: Aromon (last edited 2022-02-16 21:16:37 by Neil)