Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2007-07-31 14:01:01
Size: 1035
Editor: Neil
Revision 3 as of 2007-07-31 14:01:37
Size: 1038
Editor: Neil
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#Here is a list of all pages containing the CategoryCategory wiki tag:
##Here is a list of all pages containing the CategoryCategory wiki tag:

A category is a WikiName that exploits [wiki:WikiWiki WikiWiki]'s reverse linking: if you click on the title of a category page, you'll get a list of pages belonging to that category. To get a list of all categories, click above on the CategoryCategory title.

Additionally, you can add lists of all pages which are members of that particular category to the category page using macros like this:

Here is a list of all categories known to this wiki: PageList(regex:^Category.*)

To be consistent with the C2 category scheme, all categories start with the word "Category". For more information, see AboutCategoriesAndTopics.

ArtheaWiki: CategoryCategory (last edited 2013-09-14 22:25:24 by Roxoff)