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Revision 1 as of 2008-01-02 16:12:08
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Editor: Neil
Revision 2 as of 2011-04-28 22:45:43
Size: 252
Editor: Neil
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Hallow is a town in south of the county of ["Camarth"], north ["Ticetia"]. The town relies heavily on the wood industry, based in the Hallow Wood which spreads far over the region to the south of the town. Hallow is a town in south of the county of ["Camarth"], north ["Ticetia"]. The town relies heavily on the wood industry, based in the ["Hallow Wood"] which spreads far over the region to the south of the town.


Hallow is a town in south of the county of ["Camarth"], north ["Ticetia"]. The town relies heavily on the wood industry, based in the ["Hallow Wood"] which spreads far over the region to the south of the town.


ArtheaWiki: Hallow (last edited 2013-09-15 22:09:57 by DanielStevenson)