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Magic Sects

The world of wizardry and sorcery is an intricate one indeed. In this campaign, for each magic user to learn their trade, they must belong to one of the many mage sects that exist. The most famous (in fact, the only famous) mage sect in existence is the Pale Flame. They were once the largest mage organisation, with greater power than any of their peers, but their influence has greatly reduced recently.

Each sect lays down principles for the conduct of each of its members, and as such the membership of a given sect is normally dependent upon alignment. Also, none of the sects deal with every school of magic, and the sects will only supply spells to their members from one of the schools the sect deals with.

The size of each sect determines its power, some sects are very popular amongst magic users, and have teaching and experimentation facilities in several large towns, while others may only have one or two centres where their students can learn. Of course, most sects will allow their teaching facilities to be used by members of other sects, but the cost of using those facilities is higher (but it helps cover the high cost of running a big school). Most magic users are absolutely loyal to their sect because of this. All trainees, of whatever alignment are taught the importance of their sect very soon after joining, and even chaotic and evil alignments depend so much on their sect that they seldom rebel.

A great many members look upon their sect as a guild of wizardry, but the powerful magic users who run these centres of magical learning see that title as beneath the standing of their organisations. They believe that their organisations are far more than trade bodies representing interests of merchants; they run universities, schooling the next generation of experts in magic and working to uncover new arcane knowledge all the time. This makes their position in society significantly higher than barrel makers or blacksmiths.

The sects available to player characters are detailed here. Each has alignment restrictions and schools of magic in which it specialises, and there are many that have geographical restrictions, too. In addition to the listed schools, every sect teaches the Universal school, as this is one of the fundamental building blocks upon which the structure of wizardry is built, and each handles cantrips (0 level spells) of all schools.

National Sects



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