Differences between revisions 9 and 47 (spanning 38 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2007-08-06 15:14:46
Size: 1546
Editor: Neil
Revision 47 as of 2022-02-17 20:25:47
Size: 2187
Editor: Neil
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Basic Information About the Lands == == Players Information ==
 * [[PlayerIntroduction|Introductory Information for Player Characters]] - this is all you'll need to join in a game in the world of Arthea
 * [[CampaignIntroductions|Campaign Background and Introductions]]
 * [[GameLogs|Adventure Logs, Character Biographies and Blogs]]
 * [[CategoryNpc|NPCs and Historic Figures]], a who's-who for PC's
 * [[CategoryOrganisations|Organisations of Arthea]], organisations you may know of, others you can actually join
 * [[PlayersInformation|Game Information, House Rules and Other info for Players]]
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 * The history of the lands since the Great Disaster are here: ["History"]
 * Information about the different people of the lands is here: ["Races"]
 * Arthean churches can be found here: ["Religion"]
 * Magic is an organised occupation in Arthea: ["Magic"]
 * Trades and professionals are usually organised by trade bodies: ["TheGuilds"]
== Political ==
 * [[PoliticalOverview|Political Overview]]
 * [[Races|The Races of Arthea]]
 * [[Maps|Arthean Geography]]
  * [[Towns And Cities|Towns, Cities and Landmarks of Arthea]]
  * [[Homelands of the Free Races]]
 * Feudal System:
  * [[Feudal Titles]]
  * [[Feudal Ticetia]]
  * [[Feudal Caldonacia]]
  * [[Feudal Antaurus]]
  * [[Feudal Cerlain]]
  * [[Feudal Jorlinum]]
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== The Social and Political Make-up of Arthea == == Social Infrastructure ==
 * [[Religion|Religion in Arthea]]
 * [[Magic|Magic as an organised occupation]]
  * [[Peasants and Magic|Magic and Society]]
 * [[TheGuilds|Guilds, Trade Associations, Professional Bodies]]
 * [[Law and Order]]
 * [[Currency|Money and Coinage]]
 * [[Calendar|Calendar and Astrology]]
 * [[Healing|Non-Magical Healing Resources]]
 * [[SocialPoliticalInfluences|Social and Political Influences]]
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=== Political === == Works of the Sages and Scribes of Arthea ==
 * [[Causes of The Great Disaster]]
 * [[First Humans|The First Human Civilisations]]
 * [[Dwarf History]]
 * [[Gnome History]]
 * [[Wish Magic]]
 * [[The Caplup]]
 * [[The Rise and Fall of Tholain]]
 * [[Cultural and Folk Tales]]
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 * Geography: ["Maps"]
 * Political atlas and finding your way around: ["Nations"]
== Third Party Links ==
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=== Social Infrastructure === See the [[SupportingCast|Supporting Cast]] page.
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 * ["Law and Order"]
 * Money and Coinage: ["Currency"]
 * Calendar and Astrology: ["Calendar"]
 * Magic and Society: ["Peasants and Magic"]
 * Non-Magical Healing Resources: ["Healing"]
== Wiki Management ==
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=== Works of the Sages and Scribes of Arthea === You can add new stuff to the Wiki here:
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 * ["Causes of The Great Disaster"]
 * The First Human Cultures: ["First Humans"]
 * ["Dwarf History"]
 * ["Gnome History"]
 * ["Wish Magic"]
 * ["The Caplup"]

== Players Information ==

 * Rule changes and players information can be found here: ["PlayersInformation"]
 * Level/training rules can be found here: ["CharacterTraining"]
 * Adventure logs and character biographies and blogs can be found here: ["GameLogs"]
[[WikiManagementTools|Wiki Content Management]]

ArtheaWiki: Contents (last edited 2022-02-17 20:25:47 by Neil)