The Bemiris Hazakk Delve

The Bemiris Hazakk Delve was one of the largest pre-disaster dwarf delves. It was probably of a similar size to The Kinsarreth Zogil Delve, and only The Kimid-Izila Delve was larger. The delve was in the tropical lands of the east of Hathnia and south of Kunanth, and the hot conditions meant that much of the delve was deeper than similar dwarfish constructions in other parts of the world.

The ruler of the Bemiris Hazakk delve were reputed to wear the Hazakk Crown.

CategoryPlaces CategoryDelves

ArtheaWiki: The Bemiris Hazakk Delve (last edited 2013-09-15 20:10:25 by DanielStevenson)