The Valtannarin Ennethdor

The Valtannarin Ennethodor are an unusual magic user sect. Recently they've been involved in a plot that focussed on the body of the vampire Charles Derren. They stole a map from The Pale Flame containing the location of his tomb, and took the vampires body, which they brought back to Eversham. They were also involved in some gruesome experiments involving the drugs Belisti and Cobbinth and several types of both corporeal and non-corporeal undead.

The plan seemed to have backfired when they held him in a secret house and the master wizard Sammarvei Yanneg duped some adventurers into recovering the body. During this process the vampire was awakened. Since this time the sect seem to have gone underground, their activities seem to have dwindled to nothing.


ArtheaWiki: The Valtannarin Ennethdor (last edited 2013-09-15 19:23:40 by DanielStevenson)